Women Wellness Spring |
Women Wellness Spring |
Motherhood life is an endless loop of no sleep and lot of stress. Your mental strings are pulled tight as a violin. Thinking about God can bring peace of mind. Active religious practices are associated with longer, healthier and happier live, isn’t it? Don’t let the religion fade away because it brings you happier life. 1. Faith always is the best answerThe world is full of mysteries and everywhere there are questions. God teaches us that much of what we see is so complex we cannot understand why and how it occurred. Religion offers hope. When we are suffering from sorrow, anguish, and pain, religion gives us hope and peace of mind. We never know what is the plan from God arranges for us, but we do know God has always been there for us. His plan is better than our dream. The times when you have seen only one set of footprints in the sand, is when I carry you (from a religious poem) 2. Fallacy of we have abundant timeI had heard a story told by a priest: A senior devil asked a junior to guess what would be the evilest thing to deceive most people. The junior devil thought the answer might be telling people God is non-existence or devil is non-existence. The senior devil said both answers were incorrect. The evilest thing to deceive people was to tell them they had abundant time. Well, yes, we have the tendency of wasting time as we mistakenly think that we have abundant time. It’s not uncommon having the habit in our daily life such as.. 1 hour daydreaming 2 hours on the couch 2 hours gaming 2 hours of social media browsing Now it’s 3 pm Half day had gone What had I done? Busy is better than bored, having too much to do is a positive problem of abundance whereas having too little to do is a negative problem of shortage. We tell ourselves find something to do because the feeling that we have too much to do is much more pleasing than the feeling that we have nothing to do. "Later" is easier and more convenience and it may become never. How are you closer to achieve your goal of fitness, learning, wellness, and so on? 3. Generosity Give your time to help others make you happier. Anything you do will not only help the world, it will also help you. You will feel good about yourself. You have a sense of purpose and feel appreciated. A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed (proverbs 11:25) A Chinese proverb also said that: If you want happiness for an hour, take a nap If you want happiness for a day, go fishing If you want happiness for a year, inherit a fortune If you want happiness for a life, help someone else 4. Kindness While someone said that to be kind is better than to be right. It would be great to always be right, wouldn’t it? Even if you are right, there is nothing to be gained from letting yourself become adversarial to your loved ones. What’s the merit to win all the battles but lost the opportunities to spend enjoyable time with those you care about? Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving one another, just as God also forgave you in Christ. (Ephesians 4:31-32)
When I was small, I thought my wish was simple. I just wanted to be happy. When I had grown up, I realized pursuit of happiness is not that simple.
As a responsible parent, we want to help our children hearing their inner voice, follow their passion, and unlock their talents for crafting the path heading to happiness and success.
My kid should not be a background character in someone else film. Everyone is unique and no comparison is possible.
The mountain has its height
The sea has its depth The wind has its freedom The cloud has its tenderness How can you compare the mountain with the sea?
Most people would get more than one talent. The question is what to look for? Or how to identify the child talents?
What are the abilities your child possessed?
1. Linguistic
2. Mathematical or logical ability 3. Visual-Spatial 4. Introvert 5. Musical 6. Physical 7. Social
According to Professor Robert Sternberg, he had figured out 20 attributes for identifying the potential of the child's abilities or talents.
20 Clues to Observe for Identify the Child's Abilities
Check the following table for matching the clues with the abilities.
How about if the attributes are not as obvious as they sound? And that is the reason why it's not dangerous for the children to be bored sometimes. When the children sit in their boredom, they can hear their inner voice, and find out some interesting solution such as..
Playing cowboy and Indian with just a stick and leaf Wonder the "why" for the things that can excite them Figure out the kid's strategy to deal with the problem Drawing and coloring etc and etc...
Talent is not an end in itself. With reference to the quote from Stephen King:
Talent is cheaper than table salt. What separates the talented individual from a successful one is a lot of hard work.
The kids do the thing they love, do the things they are good at, and working very hard to mastering the related skills which build up self-confidence eventually.
Link up Inspire Me Monday
A fat boy is making his own defense
My boy is getting fatter and fatter over a few months. He is making his own defense to say...
I always a positive boy with my head up as my double chin cause my head down difficult.
I'm not fat. I just feel hot and inflate of being like a balloon. The teacher told me hot air would inflate the balloon to get round shape.
Mom, everything would eventually get better. I start from a little bit fat and eventually get fatter now.
I've gone through a lot of things such as happiness, insane, and sorrow. But why I haven't gone through of being lean? I love to eat donuts. That is why it sticks around my belly!! ~~~~~~~~ I can't get what he is talking about, as usual. |
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