Women Wellness Spring |
Women Wellness Spring |
When to worry the child development? The mobile device such as the smartphone and the tablet are the creamy filling that distracts us from the substance of our lives. The kids spend so much time on web browsing, online games, and social media that it inhibits their ability to carry on a face to face conversation. TV and the electronic devices rob our time and never gives it back. As a harassed parent, it is easier to use the gadgets as bribery or enticements for making the kids busy and quiet. It works well to..
You know what, Steve Jobs, who was the one invented these devices to revolutionize the human behavior, prohibited his kids to use the computer or smartphone at night or during the weekend. He allowed his kids used the computer or tablet for doing school works only. Why you would allow the mobile device to rob the time for the conversation with your kids, reading books together and telling stories. I suggest set the family rule:
The kids would get so much fun to fire a bow and arrow,
climbing a tree, riding a dirt bike, playing cowboy and Indian with just a stick and leaf, breathing heavy, feel the wind whipping against their face... And forget about the electronic games.
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