Women Wellness Spring |
Women Wellness Spring |
What game are you playing? She is a bossy career woman and doesn’t choose her family. The game she is playing: I play to win. I Play to WinShe wants to conquer men, conquer the business, and conquer everything because she plays to win. She works 100% harder than others with a remarkable performance at work. When she takes the lead in the business battle to win the deal, she was so good to maneuver the tactics and strategy far better than what you can read in the war book. One of the frustrating things is that at the end of the day, she still needs a man. Is it better for her to understand this earlier or surrender earlier? The answer is yes, and no. She didn’t mean to upset anyone. She stands for her point with confidence. In return, she expects her partner to agree with her idea and the support she had from him. She has no idea she did carry the bossy role at home when her husband asks her three questions:
She doesn’t need to win all the battles. By the time when her hubby challenges her on some point, any point, she launches an inquest. She asks him to tell her why he disagrees, and then she tries to catch him in an inconsistency. Her follow-up questions are like those used by a lawyer trying to get an unreliable witness to admit his faults. She almost always wins and gets a concession from her witness. Her husband has concluded it’s just not worth disagreeing with her, or it’s not even worth talking to her, since you never know when a topic will lead to a controversy. When she wins all the battles, but she loses the metaphorical war. She loses the opportunity to spend an enjoyable time with the one she loves.
The days are long. The years are short. What’s your real joy of being a mom? I like these motherhood quotes/words:
It’s not uncommon to see a child who likes to climb up the highest fence. What will he do next when he is not able to make it? He will climb again! As kids continue to grow, in addition to what they learn on their own, they got some conditioning from parents, teachers, peers, media, and so on. According to researches, 90% of who you are, was picked up before you’re ten years old. The children have no idea how many of their thoughts, feelings, and actions based on some form of fear and obligation. We, as a parent, take a critical role to shape the blueprint and ego-self of our children. Ever wonder the fear of our children derived from our fear. How can we help to foster their courage to overcome fear with confidence? Fear of authority figuresTwo kinds of parents the children fear most. They are the fierce parents, or the opposite extreme, indifferent parents. Children need love like the flower needs water. The parents matter most to them to be their whole world. They thirst for your full attention and affection to ensure you love them more than anyone else. How did my mom praise me? How did my mom blame me? Did my parent love me? Did they accept me? The narrative is that if I do what my mom tells me to do, cope with her expectation, stand by her side, then she will love me. They thirst for parent’s approval. Children fear their parents don’t love them. When we can’t get our kids to do what we want them to do. We push harder, throw out tantrums, we shout. Children have tantrums. Adults should solve problems. Ever wonder your anger is demonstrating your fear after all? The fear that fuels a narrative of being unheard. The fear that you’re not good enough. The fear that this might be the last chance you get to make everything exactly perfect. Your frustration becomes complaints; grudges become insulting words; helplessness becomes sarcastic. What can we do about this? 1. Lighten Up Your ExpectationExpectation turns to become pressure. Pressure turns to attract resistant force. We’re angry because our children don’t meet our expectations or they do the opposite of our expectations. It’s more useful to lighten up our expectations of our children for who they suppose to be, act and think like, to connect the love. When the children feel unconditional love from their parents, they will be ecstatic, not to affect by the critical words from others. It’s because when they encounter criticism from others, they would think it merely reflects a lack of knowledge about them rather than an actual flaw in them. 2. Courage To Be Disliked.The child learns to be his/her own fan. Parental love is unconditional. Yet the children have to know that along the journey of their life, never expect there will be someone who has the responsibilities and needs that will love them like their parent. Thirsting to grasp the love from others (they may be partners, bosses, spouses, or friends) in their life to assert their self-worth is doom to a miserable life. Learn to be his/her own fan. Everyone is a combination of strengths and limitations. We help them to learn how to appreciate their strengths and accept their weakness. Always has the courage of self-reinforcement, a belief in themselves that is strong and unwavering. Rejection spells failure only if you do not believe in yourself. For those who believe in themselves, it is only a challenge. What would you describe the mother ship? What is your mom parenting style that you will not follow? Linky: Motivate Me Monday
A happy woman is so important to influence her husband and family. Ever did you hear about “happy wife, happy life”? A man feels good to see his wife is happy and regards that to be his credit and achievement. He would work even harder to contribute to the family. Same do the children love to see their mommy is happy. If mommy is unhappy, they might regard it as their false or because they’re not adorable. How to make yourself happy? What would make you happy? What do you really want? Make a decision for what you would like to do that can make you happy. Write down your decision every day. Make a plan to do it. My list is:
What is your list?
The motherhood journey is always rough around the edges. If it is a movie, you're a producer, a director, and a celebrity. What kind of story you're trying to make? Supermom asks 100 questions: 1. What some other mom does, but you'll never do? 2. What are the words you use most when interacting with your child? 3. What animal can describe your child? 4. How does a stranger describe your child? 5. What makes your kid your kid? 6. What kind of adventure did you want to try with your family 7. What is the child devil and evangelist thing? 8. What makes you proud as a parent? 9. You like seeing your child __________ 10. What drive you crazy? 11. What does your child do quietly? 12. What are the things that interest your child? 13. When the child meets new people, ___________. 14. What things scare your child? 15. Is there anything to tell you your child is smart? 16 What is the child devil and evangelist thing? 17. What is your culture genre and inheritance? 18. What sort of thing your child does not like? 19. Does your child make any new friends? 20. What are the ridiculous tech things to the kids? 21. What is a good piece of advice for parenting style? Tough, love, forgiving....... 22. What had you discovered the most effective parenting tricks? 23. What would you describe the mother ship? 24. What is the best piece of mom advice? 25. What are your favorite motherhood quotes? 26. Motherhood makes you vulnerable or stronger? 27. What is your change in parenting thinking? 28. What are the parent facts no one acknowledge? 29. What parenting advice you decline to believe? 30. What makes your child laugh? 31~100. Free download the file |
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