SHARONSexy SweetheartSharon is a sexy sweetheart, fashionable and charming, shining with beauty. Never stop chasing love but reject to get married, and stays single at the age of thirty-two. Maybe trust is an issue at the bottom of her heart. When she was a little girl, her parents divorced and implanted the belief carried from her childhood that men were irresponsible, unreliable, and liked cheating. She hardly can appreciate what she already has but keeps chasing after what she's missing.
The game she is playing: impress me or get out of my way. What does she most fear? She can't keep her beauty. |
BONNIEBossy WorkaholicBonnie is a bossy career woman, divorced. She wants to conquer men, conquer the business, and conquer everything because she plays to win. When her boss required her to take the lead in the business battle to win the deal, she was able to maneuver throughout the work with tactics and strategy far better than what you can read in the war book. She worked exceptionally harder than others earning remarkable performance in her career.
The game she is playing: I play to win. What does she most fear? The answer is no money. She believes that no one is reliable to sustain a long-term relationship. She could only rely on herself and get used to loneliness. |
JENNIFERDesperate Full-Time MomJenny is good at multi-tasking for various commitments, such as cooking a meal while looking after young children and suddenly having to answer the phone from her friend. When a woman needs to choose between career and family, no surprise that family always wins. She decided to be a full-time mom when she was thirty.
The game she is playing: I'm the victim. What does she most fear? She lost her family, and her children hated her. |
She expects her boyfriend or hubby should like that:
Funny with a perfect temper Handsome and dislike flirting No smoking, no alcohol A family man to put her above everything Rich and generous She is the one who matters most to him. The question is: do you believe such kind of person exists on earth? The game she is playing: I’m not good enough. What does she most fear: Her boyfriend would abandon her. She thinks she’s not good enough, not beautiful enough. What’s the solution? Plastic surgery? |
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