We are on a journey that has gone through twenty years of career life, with a deep relationship with our partner and children, and head in a direction without clarity. Something is working, and more things are not.
At this stage, you may think: I’m too young to retire (I still want to do a lot of things) And too old to restart everything (do I still have time?) It’s not true for sure. You feel stuck up at the crossroad: Your fear holds you back to move forward And you have no courage to move backward And standstill is not a good idea that only generates confusion and anxiety. What are you going to do about this?
Make a strategy to move on for your Career Relationship Health Beauty
Ever wonder we cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them (Albert Einstein). And the change is: New thoughts New feels New action Same dream Fresh start New me
So that you are on shine to tell everyone with fulfillment: I’m healthy I’m wealthy I’m sexy
Instead of pursuing happiness, plant it. Healthy eating, keep a childlike heart, having a sense of wonder, a sense of humor, and a sense of curiosity. Believe in yourself that there is something in you. The world is on your side as long as you're authentic to the best that is in you.