Women Wellness Spring |
Women Wellness Spring |
Her mantra is quick, quick, quick.
She's moving fast forward towards everything. She eats the meal fast. She drinks the coffee fast. She does the works extremely fast. Married fast, and divorce fast. And at the end of the day, will she die early?
What if slow living otherwise?
The world is evolving at the speed of light. We survive in this world that is too loud, too bright, too fast, and too cruel to bear the fear of missing out. Very often, the pursuit of speed become the mantra to live our time. We are busy and prioritized our time to tackle the urgency for meeting the deadlines set by someone else. Pressure comes from all sides of deadlines such as you have a bus to catch, an interview to attend, a movie to catch, or an assignment to hand in. We are so much hard wired fearing to the painful feeling of missing out. In fact, a deadline is not equated to exit. Missing out the deadline will not cause the death. When we concentrate on speed, the process along the way is becoming murky. We would miss out the clarity of the important things matter most to us. Conversely, slow living is the lazy way to drive you faster when you can see clearly:
Who are the ones need you most?
What kind of person do you want to be? What is the difference you seek to make?
Slow living is a strategy to live a happy life.
Eat to Live
Health issues during women reproductive years are intrigued with the physical and emotional commitments in the family. We are what we eat. Sit down and take time for the meal. Mindful eating instead of going for the first food we see out of convenience and desperation. Eat slowly and chew the food slowly, it is not a race after all. Our body is not a machine. The components are expensive. If the component gets deteriorated, money can't buy a new one. Live to Love House is not a home. We are women good at turning the house into a home. I couldn't agree more that the home is a creative space to make a statement of individuality for full expression of who you are. Spend the time on creating the supportive home environment welcoming to family and friends. Home is where the kids learn how to love and care. Wisdom begins at home, isn't it? Love to Growth Take the time to spend the enjoyable moments with our children. The child-parent interaction has the critical impact on the child development and shaping his/her personality and worldview. Parenting journey is always rough around the edges. There is no ideal key or right answer that can unlock the future. When I was a child, my mom tried to do everything right to path the way for making my life happy. She was not so much successful, indeed. When the conventional wisdom is shaping our worldview, the opposite side can help us to learn more. Unconventionality isn’t a goal in itself, but it means looking at the world through an inquisitive lens as we did when we were a child. It takes time and a lot of effort. Slow down a while to adjust the focus seeking the life you want to live.
What are the secrets of cooking the perfect eggs? The first step is choosing the eggs produced by the happy chickens. Tips to choose a good egg: Hardshell – Younger chickens lay smaller size and healthier eggs. Fresher – The rougher the eggshell surface, the fresher it is. Free-range eggs get the eggier taste. I like to consume high protein for breakfast to kick start the day. Pair protein with vegetables is the way to go:
How to cook the perfect fried eggs?The key is heat up the non-stick skillet and the butter (or oil) until hot. Steps:
How to cook the perfect scramble eggs?The key is adding the cream and whisking the eggs vigorously. Steps:
How to cook the perfect poached eggs? The key is vinegar and simmering water. Steps:
How to cook the perfect boiled egg? The key is the salt. Steps:
Are Eggs Helpful To Our Health Or Not? Modern medical studies have corrected the misconception that eggs are unhealthy due to their association with cholesterol and cardiovascular disease. Saturated animal fat or cholesterol in food has nothing to do with blood cholesterol levels and cardiovascular illness. It's only processed meat or other industrial products with saturated fat, rich in calories without nutritional value. Processed meat (bacon, ham, and sausage) contains harmful chemical compounds associated with chronic diseases. Eggs are rich in nutrient contents and amino acids from proteins, fatty acids from fats, vitamins, and minerals. It contains the properties to protect our eyes, cleanse the body from free radicals, help with weight loss, increase muscle mass, lower blood pressure, and optimize bone health.
A man said: Do you know women are good at what, but they don’t even know it? You guess what? They’re good to lie to themselves. When she told you this was good for both of us, she meant this was good for her only. When she told you money was not an issue, I was pretty sure money was the main issue. When she told you the problem was not about you, it was about you for sure. When she told you she'd let go of this relationship, she was still in pain and hated you deeply. Agree or Disagree?
A child asks: My mommy told me to eat more vegetables and less meat. But daddy ate more meat than vegetables. Who should I follow? Ever wonder almost always everything is a story that is interpreted differently by different people in different moments.
What will you tell your kid when he or she asks you this similar question? Leave yourself some time to laugh, to be silly.
Sometimes, you can’t quite understand why your life plays a joke on you, and it’s not funny. And every time you can find some humor in a difficult situation, you win. Live in the present moment. Do what you love, Eat what you like, Silly is cool. Crying is fine. Tell your subconscious mind that everything is okay. |
CatherineDigital marketer, writer, editor, feminine optimistic style, pursuit of happiness, addict to coffee. CategoriesArchives
July 2024