Women Wellness Spring |
Women Wellness Spring |
When we say that a child is smart, what do we mean? It is simply that the child started to talk early, learned faster than others, or achieved the best grades among the peers? The human mind has the tendency to evaluate people and objects by their contrast and not by their substances. If you have experience in the stock market, you would well aware the meaning of this tendency. When the stock price rises from $10 to $30, you might probably regard $25 is a good buy. You are tempted to evaluate the price by the contrast and not by its value ($25 vs. $30). It is common when we compare ourselves to those who have more, we feel bad. When we compare ourselves to those who have less, we feel grateful. Speed vs. Process. Not Everything is a Race If it is a race, the point is to win. The focus is on the finish line. The fastest to reach the finish line is the winner. If so, we will miss out the beauty of the process and the meaning as derived from the process. Imagine you are walking a snail. The snail is moving very slow and frustrate to catch you up in baby steps. You push it, blame it and yelling at it. And the snail stares at you in regret as if to tell you “I’ve already done my best!” You continue to pull it and kick it. The snail is hurt, sweating and choking. And it is moving forward, slowly. The time being together is so hard to each other. Focus on the speed would miss out the beauty from the process. The kid moves slowly doesn’t mean he/she is stupid. It means you have to take more time and patience. Walking your child slowly to see things from his/her eyes is the most beautiful. It is because substances of life from the child’s eyes are direct and straight forward in purity. Everyone Works In Their Own Time Zone I had read message something like that which is impressive: New York is 3 hrs ahead of California but it does not mean that California is slow, or that New York is fast. Someone graduated at the age of 22, yet waited 5 years before finding a good job, while someone who graduated at 27 and secured employment immediately. Someone became CEO at 25 and died at 50, while someone was a CEO at 50 and lived to 90. Obama retired at age 55 while Trump won the presidential election at age 70. We are moving forward in our time zone according to our own timetable. When my kid is seem lagged behind the peers, I would tell him: You have only one timetable – your timetable. You have only one road – your road. Genius or Just Average Everyone does possess some special strengths and abilities and have been born with the capacity to be absolutely excellent at something, and maybe several things. Encourage the children to do things they are good at because we all need to feel competent. Let them take on responsibilities in areas in which they excel and ask for help when they are struggling.
Researchers at a university noticed that in departments where students had fewer required courses, they received higher grades in both their optional and their required classes. The students tended to take courses they were interested in and that they could do well in if they had more freedom to choose classes. Doing well in those optional classes actually improved their performance in all their classes because the positive habits that success created in the optional classes carried over into their required courses. ~~~~~~~~ John and Peter are the kids chatting in the school: John: Hey, Peter. I am exceptionally smart. My IQ score is over 200. If you give your candies to me, I will play with you. Peter: Why should I give candies to you? You won’t give me your score and your smartness. John: Alright, you are jealous of me. I give you 20% of my smartness to you. Peter: 20% is so few. I’ve no interest. John: I give you 50% Peter: 50% mean we are equal, why I have to jealous you John: I give you 80% Peter: I get your 80% mean I become smarter than you. Are you sure your score is over 200?! I don’t think you are smart!
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