Women Wellness Spring |
Women Wellness Spring |
A woman can experience stress at her different life stages. There is no objective way to tell you if you had a good life, a good day, or a good hour. It’s not what happens to you but how you think about what happened. The narratives of asking yourself the right questions help you to shift your perspectives from the mist of troubles to feeling good about yourself. Michael Hyatt wrote the topic about the right questions to change our life. This post has borrowed the context from these right questions with my insights. Q1. What does this make possible?A career mom asks herself what does this make possible taking care of the baby and keeping the corporate job? A single mom asks herself what does this possible raising the kids without financial support from anyone. The right question helps you to re-orient your perspectives from the mist of trouble to the new possibilities. You get the inner resources that can figure out everything for yourself. “Just because it's dark it doesn't mean we're underground. It often means that no one has bothered to turn on any lights.” ~ Seth Godin What does this make possible building my own business? What does this make possible writing a book? What does this make possible buying my dream house? And so on... Q2. What if it’s not the end but a new beginning? What if you have a baby is not ruin your corporate career but start the next chapter you want the most? What if the end of the toxic relationship is the beginning of your new story with a happy ending? What if it’s a new beginning after I get fired? Reflection of the past is only good for one thing: learning. You can ask yourself about what if it’s not the end but a new beginning that helps you to drag out from the notion that you are stuck. You can see something you missed from a perspective that it’s the new beginning. Q3. What if the answer is over the next hill? When you’re in the middle of financial hardship; or When you’re exhausted with the resistant child; or When you have a terrible time with your hubby. When bad things happen, we felt like a load of bricks had dropped on us. We may not see the solution now. We ask ourselves what if the answer is over the next hill?. This question helps us to lengthen our horizons. If you don’t believe in yourself, you won’t be able to function. Don’t write yourself off. You may not see the solution now. Over time, you tend to work things out. Events are temporary. Your feeling of distress will pass. Your life will take you in new directions. Q4. What if I need this to prepare me for the next chapter? We go through changes in the stages of our life. We change jobs, shift careers, and change the role of a girl to become a mom. We feel anxious and frustrated: Why I’m the one to get fire? Why I’m so clumsy to handle the relationship? Why does my child get autism? Change is painful. We could trace our current position to every decision we have ever made. But it won't drive us anywhere. What you need to do is think about how you can get from where you are to where you want to be. Instead of asking why, why not change the question to what’s next. Whatever happened to me is preparing me for the next chapter. Just when the caterpillar thought the world was ending, she turned into a butterfly. (proverb) Q5. What if God know exactly what I need? The world is full of mysteries with unanswered questions. God teaches us that much of what we see is so complicated that we cannot understand why and how it occurred. When we are suffering from sorrow, anguish, and pain, religion gives us hope and peace of mind. We never know what is the plan from God arranges for us, but we do know God has always been there for us. Q6. What if God’s speaking to me in these troubles and blessing me? When you are frustrated under a difficult circumstance, we ask ourselves what if God’s speaking to me in these troubles and blessing me from the adversity. God has the plan for the purpose and meaning of our life. I love this story: God planted the fern and the bamboo seeds. The fern quickly grew from the
earth. Its brilliant green covered the floor. Yet nothing came from the bamboo seed. After 5 years the bamboo rose to over 100 feet tall. God tell the bamboo: “You had spent the five years growing roots. Those roots made you strong and gave you what it needed to survive. I would not give any of my creations a challenge it could not handle.” “Did you know, my child, that all this time you have been struggling, you have actually been growing roots? I would not quit on the bamboo. I will never quit on you.” “Don't compare yourself to others.” He said. “The bamboo had a different purpose than the fern. Yet they both make the forest beautiful.”
9/24/2020 07:01:34 am
9/25/2020 08:10:00 pm
Glad to know you like the idea. Thanks.
9/24/2020 02:27:20 pm
Great post. An incredible reminder that during any hardship there is always a lesson to be learned.
9/25/2020 08:12:47 pm
Well, yes, it always happens that if we don't learn the lesson, there will be a repeated pattern coming to us again and again.
9/24/2020 03:34:48 pm
Wow, I love that story! Such a powerful message, thank you!
9/25/2020 08:14:00 pm
I was impressed when I first read the story. Glad to know you like it also. Thanks.
9/25/2020 08:15:44 pm
It's a powerful story to remind myself also.
9/25/2020 08:18:49 pm
Oh yes! "Will this matter in 2 months?" is a good question to ask ourselves to avoid over-analyzing during the time of feeling troubles.
9/25/2020 07:14:16 pm
I love this so much! Our perspective and attitude towards life is such a game changer
9/25/2020 08:20:12 pm
Glad to know you like the points. Thanks.
9/29/2020 12:28:38 am
Wonderful post. Wow, Such a powerful message, thank you!
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CatherineDigital marketer, writer, editor, feminine optimistic style, pursuit of happiness, addict to coffee. CategoriesArchives
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